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The Firsts Things To Do After Getting Engaged

The Firsts Things To Do After Getting Engaged

Congratulations you’re engaged! – here’s what you should do next

So you said “yes!”- and now it’s time to Instagram a selfie to let all of your friends (er, followers) know you’re officially engaged, right? Not so fast! Before you start spreading the news over social media or freaking out over wedding-planning checklists, here’s what you need to do first.


Before you tell your family and friends, take a moment with your new fiancé. Head to your favourite bar for a glass of champagne, or if your partner thought ahead, pop that bottle of bubbly they brought along in anticipation of a “yes!” You’ll get caught up in wedding planning soon enough, so savour this time before you let everyone else in on your good news.

Throw a Party

Before you jump into wedding planning, have an engagement party. And keep in mind: Everyone who is invited to your engagement party should also be invited to the wedding, so plan this first guest list wisely.

Insure Your Ring 

Make sure you talk to an insurance agent about coverage in case your ring or its stones ever need to be repaired or replaced. Find out whether you are covered if the ring is lost, stolen, or damaged, what stipulations there are, if any, and how long the claims process takes. You might be able to add the jewelry cover to your existing homeowners or lettings policy; if not, you’ll need to set up a separate policy

Set a Budget 

Prior to making any wedding decisions, you need to work out what you want to spend and who is contributing, for example will your family be contributing as well? Make sure you and your fiancé are in agreement about your priorities before talking to any other parties about budget and logistics

Draft the Guest List 

Early on you should start working out who you’re going to invite to your wedding. If deciding who’s coming (and who isn’t) threatens to either bankrupt you or start a war with your families, scale back. If you’re on the fence about someone, consider whether or not you’ve seen them in the last year. If you haven’t, don’t invite them.

Think about the Big Picture 

Envision the type of wedding you both want, and the type of styling you want. Maybe it’s the event of your childhood dreams or one that reflects your current tastes. Maybe you are set on something formal or perhaps more bohemian, or something on the beach? Whatever you decide you should agree on the overall look at the beginning.

Pick the Venue 

Now that you have your budget and guest list settled, it’s time to pick your wedding venue. Their are so many gorgeous venues to choose from in France, from chateaux to manors to hotels. Check are directory for inspiration.

Pick a Date

Once the word is out, expect lots of questions, including “When are you getting married?” Reveal a date if you have one, or let curious friends know plans are in the works via a save the date card. You want to hold your wedding date at a popular time of year, such as June/July/August, as locations, photographers, caterers, and other professionals book up early, sometimes a year in advance.

Register for Gifts 

As soon as people find out about your big day, gifts will likely start flowing in. It’s never too early to register, not only to help ensure you get something you like and need, but also to make it easier on friends and family who wondering what to buy you. Even if you don’t register for everything right away, at least go to one store and decide on a few things for your list. Try to limit your registry to three places so it doesn’t get messy and will be easier to manage.
