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Betty’s Cakes

French Weddings - Betty's Cakes
Long Business Description

Betty's passion for making cakes and cake decorating started as a young child. Betty was inspired by her Grandma and especially her Mum who made wonderfully creative beautiful desserts and cakes for all occasions, particularly birthdays. So she decided many decades ago to enrol on a cake decorating course, and there it began.
Betty once owned a commercial bakery, specialising in cakes so has experience not only of one-off bespoke handmade cakes but also the manufacturing of thousands per day.  Betty is therefore aware of every aspect of the cake-making universe.
Ingredients, techniques and styles may change but one thing that hasn't change in all these years, is Betty's passion for designing and making cakes to suit all tastes.
Location: SW France

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
+33 (0) 6 04 41 88 72
Business Contact Email
  • French Weddings - Betty's Cakes 4
  • French Weddings - Betty's Cakes 3
  • French Weddings - Betty's Cakes 2

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